A Little Introduction

Hello, and welcome to Dillonisms.

The term "Dillonism" was coined by my grandfather, Clifford W. Dillon Jr.  He was a contractor by trade, but in his spare time he built small wooden sculptures that grew to cover the walls of his house in Scottsbluff, NE. These intricate pieces of art, lovingly crafted by the rough hands of a blue collar laborer, were the first Dillonisms.

Sadly, I am not a tradesman, and in fact have no marketable skills of any kind.  But, like my grandfather, after working hard at my day job and supporting my family as best I can, I spend my nights making art using the tools to which I am best suited.

I am not a visual artist.  At best I doodle, and at worst I bring dishonor to my once-proud ancestors. My great hope is to find and collaborate with amazing artists to tell stories greater than anything we could achieve separately.  But we've all got to start somewhere.

So here's the deal. I'm going to make some comics. They won't be perfect, but they should be fun, or at the very least, interesting.  I will post stories as they are completed, answer questions as they arise, and share news as it becomes pertinent.

So, check back often.  And tell a friend.  And make some art of your own!



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